First Presbyterian Church, Alpena, MI
Getting our sanctuary ready for April.

Deacons preparing trays of treats for shut-ins at Easter.

Handrails in the sanctuary will make it much easier to get to and from the chancel.
Thanks to the Property Committee and Habitat for Humanity Northeast Michigan.

There's a new window in the door between the narthex and the Memorial Garden, funded by the Memorial Committee.

Behind the scenes: recording and editing a service.

2021 services recorded for YouTube, as well as printed text of most sermons, may be found at the "SERVICES - 2021" tab above.
2022 services may be found at the "WORSHIP 2022" tab above.
The rooms which formerly housed the Heart & Soul art therapy program
have been cleaned up, given a new floor, and repurposed.

After nearly 14 months of the pandemic, we gathered in our sanctuary to worship together on May 16, 2021.

Memorial Garden Service - May 30. 2021

Preparations for a funeral luncheon...

Every fourth Friday throughout the year, members volunteer at Friendship Room, helping to prepare and serve "Grab & Go" meals for the hungry in our community.

Making improvements to our Trinity Garden...

We participated in this year's event at dinosaur gardens. We gave out over 500 pieces of candy and 200 brochures. Great fun was had by all.
Thanks to Karen, Laurie and Robin for getting us ready and participating in the project. Karen did the decorating, purchased the candy and helped hand it out, and was vital in providing transportation.
Thanks to Laurie for the genesis of the idea as well as getting the trifolds ready.
Thanks to Robin for dressing as a roadside cleanup person and handing out candy using trash grabber; it was a big hit especially with the little ones.
Pastor Bill handed out brochures and talked to parents as they came by. It was a lot of fun. We look forward to doing it again next year!

Planned Pot Luck Thanksgiving Dinner

Preparing the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas