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Our Mission Statement


We seek to...

PROCLAIM the good news of Jesus Christ so all may come to believe;

      NURTURE God's people in joyful faith, commitment, and fellowship;

            DEMONSTRATE our Lord's way of love through our service to the community and larger world.

                                                                                                                                                  (Affirmed by the session, February, 2016.)

     In working to fulfill our mission commitment, we seek to provide a warm and welcoming harbor for those seeking a church home and reach out to organizations in our community, providing time, talent, goods, and service, demonstrating good stewardship and the love of Jesus Christ.

     We believe that Mission and Stewardship go hand in hand:  reaching out, offering a helping hand, providing financial support, and sharing our time and talents within our church family and beyond.

 Presbyterian Programs 

     In addition to supporting our local church financially and with their time and talents, our members and friends contribute to denominational offerings:  One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peace & Global Witness, and Christmas Joy. 

     We have participated in several mission trips to other states, helping restore communities after natural disasters.


   The six-member Board of Deacons (five women and one man) fills a variety of roles within our church family.  They send greeting cards, oversee preparations for funeral luncheons, deliver special treats to shut-ins at Christmas and Easter.

   The deacons oversee our Caring Cart program.  Members of our church family are invited to bring suggested items for the cart: pet food and supplies, holiday food bags, baby food and supplies, personal hygiene items, paper products, school supplies, complete meals, and cleaning supplies.  Each month the donated items are taken to local agencies for distribution to those in need.

   A fairly recent addition to the deacons' activity is a "Prayer Shawl Ministry", which provides a hand-made shoulder-covering knit or crocheted shawl to members of the congregation (or others) who can benefit from a little something to help keep them warm.  Nearly three dozen shawls have been shared since the ministry began.

   The CARING CART is an ongoing project of the Deacons.  Items received are donated to local organizations.

Caring Cart.jpg

Baby food and


Personal Hygiene items for Sunrise Mission

Non-perishable food items for

ACC's food pantry

Spring Fling food bags for the

Salvation Army

Cleaning Supplies

Spring Fling.jpg
Caring Cart May.jpg
Caring Cart October.jpg

Thanksgiving Dinner items

Paper Supplies

Personal Hygiene items for the Salvation Army

School Supplies

Baby Food and


Caring Cart August.jpg
Caring Carat July.jpg

Complete Meals

People's Choice.jpg

Buyer's Choice

Community Organizations 

     Members of our church family are very active in the Alpena community, serving on a variety of committees and boards.  We donate our time and talents through Habitat for Humanity, St. Bernard's Friendship Room (soup kitchen), local hospice programs, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers, READ (the literacy program at the library) and Hope Shores Alliance (support for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault), and local live theaters.

     We also provide financial support for several organizations including the Salvation Army, Sunrise Mission, Alpena Foster Closet, Hope Shores Alliance, Feeding Kids Ministry, and others.

Physical Support 

     In addition to contributing within our community, we provide office and activity space for Partners in Prevention (an agency working to identify risk factors and reduce the likelihood of substance abuse, child abuse and neglect, as well as helping to build nurturing families and improve the lives of children).

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