First Presbyterian Church, Alpena, MI
Simple Soup and Bread Supper - during our Lenten series.

Deacons preparing plates of treats for shut-ins at Easter.

Palm Sunday brunch following worship in the Fellowship Hall.

Our sanctuary--ready for celebrating Easter

Easter worship

Memorial Garden Service - Memorial Day, 2022

We celebrate Pentecost with worship, a pot luck meal, and the birthday cake auction.

Two small groups have begun meeting weekly at the church...
Ukulele group

Chatty Crafters

Fourth of July parade - Alpena

Members and friends of the congregation enjoyed a Bar-B-Q, each others' company, lots of conversation and great weather at the home of Pastor Rayment in August.

Memorial Garden Service - September 11, 2022

Kirkin' o' the Tartan - Worship Service

Kirkin' o' the Tartan - Scottish High Tea

Tea sandwiches, trifle,
shortbreads, scones, and tea.

Trunk or Treat, Downtown Alpena, Halloween, 2022

Sanctuary is ready for Christmas, 2023

Christmas potluck and sing-along